Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Just Remembered...'s not nice to cite a title w/out an author! Our bad. I'm off to Amazon to cull what I can of these most recent additions; in future, let's make sure I have both T&A for setting a post, m'kay?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Am Furniture (Thalia Chaltas)

Review in comments...

BTW, lists this as titled BECAUSE I Am Furniture...Since we have only the pre-pub edition, it is certainly possible its title may have changed in one direction of the other by the time the publisher readied the vendable manuscript.

The King of Screw-Ups (author unknown for the moment)

Review in comments...

The Weight of Heaven (Thrity Umrigar)

Review in comments...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Drawers and Booths (Ara 13)

Leave your review in the comments; k? thnx, bai.

Okay-way, etting-gay arted-stay

In this space, we, the members of the English Department at Club Fred High School, shall review the books we are reading, bundles of which are in pre-release galleys, and any or all of which are up for adoption at one level or another, in one course or another, within our curricula.